Applying high-throughput bioimage informatics in crop science research using Scipy

Ji Zhou

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JIC (John Innes Centre) and TGAC (The Genome Analysis Centre) are establishing automated field phenotyping platforms. To develop high-throughput bioimage analysis pipelines to analyse plant growth data based on high performance computing infrastructures, we are using Scipy to analyse large phenotypic data to generate precise QTLs for linking genes to traits for wheat plants.


JIC (John Innes Centre) and TGAC (The Genome Analysis Centre) are establishing an automated field phenotyping platform in Norwich UK. In order to develop high-throughput bioimage analysis pipelines to analyse plant growth data based on high performance computing infrastructures, we are developing and translating our algorithms from Matlab-based codes to scipy software solutions. During this period of time, we have been heavily utilise scikit-image and scikit-learn libraries to speed up the implementation, which had generated convincing results for plant development studies.
