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EuroSciPy 2013

Brussels, Belgium - August 21-24 2013


Pierre Haessig - ENS Cachan - EDF R&D

I am a PhD student in Electrical Engineering in Rennes, France. Sponsored by EDF R&D, the biggest French electric utility, I work at SATIE, the electrical engineering lab of ENS Cachan.

The focus of my research is on Electricity Storage related to Wind Power generation. That is, the energy storage is used to mitigate the inherent variability in electricity production due to wind speed fluctuations.

The running example of our paper is a Wave Energy Converter named SEAREV. This machine concept stems from the work of colleagues at SATIE and LHEEA (Ecole Centrale de Nantes).


Computing an Optimal Control Policy for an Energy Storage

Saturday 12:10 p.m.–12:20 p.m. in Dupreel
