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EuroSciPy 2013

Brussels, Belgium - August 21-24 2013

3D visualization with Mayavi

Gael Varoquaux

Thu 22 4 p.m.–5:30 p.m. in H.1302


Mayavi is a library for 3D visualization of scientific data. It provides the mlab API which makes it extremely easy to perform 3D visualization using numpy arrays. I will first expose the user to the mlab interface and use it to motivate and expose the rest of the more complex Mayavi library and application. I will also show one may easily embed 3D visualization into a traits based application.

Outline of the tutorial session.

mlab Simple plotting for numpy arrays Introduction to the notion of a pipeline

The mayavi objects The Engine and object-oriented control of a pipeline Data sources used in Mayavi

Embedding Mayavi in a traits based UI.
