
EuroSciPy aims to be the meeting point of maintainers of scientific open source projects, with other contributors and their users.

Maintainers track

The maintainers track are informal sessions intended for discussions among contributors.

Please email us if you have a proposal for a maintainers session.

All the sessions will take place in the Elhuyar room.

Wednesday, 4 September
Time Maintainers track
10:00 Open space
11:30 Python visualisation tools
Moderated by Tim Hoffmann, Matplotlib
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Open source project updates (main track)
14:45 Diversity in open source projects
Moderated by Dr. Tania Allard
16:00 Coffe break
16:30 (available)
17:00 Maintainers plenary session
Moderated by Sylvain Corlay, NumFOCUS, Jupyter
18:30 End
Thursday, 5 September
Time Maintainers track
9:00 Open space
10:30 Dataframe summit
Moderated by Marc Garcia, pandas
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Open space
14:45 CI and testing
Moderated by Zac Hatfield-Dodds, pytest, Hypothesis
16:00 Coffe break
16:30 Blosc and its ecosystem
Moderated by Francesc Alted, Blosc, PyTables, bcolz,...
17:00 Open space
18:30 End

Participating projects

Maintainers of the next projects have confirmed attendance to the conference:

NumPy Matplotlib pytest pandas PyPy Scikit-learn
Jupyter poliastro GeoPandas Bokeh Blosc xtensor
Numba Hypothesis Vaex PyTables Caterva Dask

Let us know if you are a maintainer planning to attend the conference and your project is not listed.

With the support of

NumFOCUS Scikit-learn
@ Inria Foundation
Ursa Labs QuantStack

If your organization is covering the expenses of an open source maintainer to attend the conference, let us know and we will list it here. Also you can become a maintainers sponsor and help maintainers attend.