Thursday 2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

Matplotlib tutorial

Nicolas Rougier

Audience level:


Review of the main concepts behind scientific visualization of the open source visualization eco-system.

Introduction to the Python library matplotlib with examples and exercices.


After reviewing the main concepts behind scientific visualization as well as reviewing the open source visualization eco-system, we will experience specifically the matplotlib library that provides many different types of high-quality figures from within python with only few lines of code.

Several examples will be used to exercise the use of this library and we will investigate more specifically:

  • title, labels, legend and text
  • colors, markers and styles
  • size, resolution and coordinate systems
  • figures, supblots and ticks
  • interaction and animations

Finally, you'll be encouraged to create a high-quality plot related to your field of research and submit it to the gallery.

requirements/additional notes:

Basic Python skills. Numpy knowledge is helpful but not required. Software requirements python, numpy, matplotlib
