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Cambridge, UK - 27-30 August 2014

Nikit Saraf

Nikit Saraf - Areysun

I am Computer Science Undergraduate and Machine Learning enthusiast. I just love lots and lots of data. I have worked and contributed to the open source project dedupe when I was selected for Google Summer of Code 2013. I worked for "Code for America" organization. The project involved developing data matching tools in python using machine learning algorithms. I have also published a paper in LNCS in the field of Natural Language Processing (again data). Since last year I have regularly been organizing local Scientific Python Meetup on weekends in my college. We hack on projects and work with libraries not limited to scikit-learn, pandas, nltk, scipy. I am very enthusiastic about Python in education.


Data Matching and Big Data Deduping in Python

Friday 2 p.m.–2:30 p.m. in William Gates Building
