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EuroSciPy 2013

Brussels, Belgium - August 21-24 2013

Grid made easy

Antònia Tugores


Grid has the potential to be a key instrument to perform intensive numerical calculations in a wide variety of scientific fields. However, the use of grid is handicapped by a cumbersome command-line oriented interface. While some user-friendly interfaces has been developed for specific communities, such as for example particle physics or astrophysics, the reduced size of many research groups and the variety of topics makes unsuitable to do develop such specific interfaces for a broad variety of fields.

We present here Web4Grid, a user friendly environment to access grid for a large variety of scientific calculations which can be used both as a command line and web interfaces. Leverages a finite state machine built on python, Web4Grid allows to submit jobs and recover the results on an automatic way as well as to monitor the existing jobs and check the grid status.
